Thursday, November 26, 2009

Movies, and Me...

I want to talk alittle about a particular interest in my life, one that has been with me ever since I was a young lad.

Movies, to put it simple, are an escape from the ordinary. They are a window to another world, or in many cases, a stylized look at our own. To many people they are something to get away from the everyday ordinary boring existence they call their lives. What are they to me?

Well, hopefully a starting point to a more successful life. At least that's what I would like to achieve, anyway.

The first movie I can ever remember watching in the theater was The Lion King. Since then I can't count all times I've seen a film on the big screen. Sometimes twice in a few cases. But no matter how many times I go it's always the same. The smell of the popcorn, the people, the big huge posters and advertisements on the walls, just the overall atmosphere is what makes it such a wonderful experience. It wasn't until some years back that I sat there and realized, "I want to do this". Since then I've become more attuned to my movie watching senses, though sometimes that can be more of an inconvenience than anything. But I'll get to that momentarily.

Movies, aswell as music are quite possibly two of the biggest interests within my life, and lifestyle. I dress the way I dress because of some bands I like, and I look the way I do because of some movies I have seen. And as corny as it sounds, I take alot of inspiration and life lessons from movies. They most definitely inspire me to the point of feeling like I am, in fact, in a movie. But the point of a movie is to feel inspired and entertained anyway right? So no harm in taking anything away from it. Movies often times have some sort of message integrated into their structure, after all.

Now as I mentioned before, I have a more attuned sense of understanding and learning when it comes to movies. More often then never do I enjoy a good movie, but there are times when one will come along, and in an instant, I feel numb. Almost to the point of disliking the film just for the purpose of disliking it.

I can like a movie just as easily as the next person, but when it has alot riding on it (Take Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for example), then it becomes a chore just to mildly enjoy it. Transformers As of this moment is my all time favorite movie. I've never gotten the feeling I did from watching a movie before, or after it came out. I couldn't even begin to explain what a profound effect the movie has on me. But if there were an 8 year old version of me here right now, he could tell you better than I could. At it's core that's what it's about, going back to your roots and just enjoying what you see, for no other reason than "It's a cool thing to see".

With that said, I'm sure the sequel had alot to live up to, so it's no surprise I was feeling pressure. In some aspects RotF could be my favorite movie, but it's miniscule flaws outway everything else. I can go into a long discussion about The Dark Knight, but in regards to that I'll just say it was the immense praise for the film that overweighed my ability to thoroughly enjoy it on my own. Batman Begins wasn't the best ever, but for me TDK had alittle to live up to. Even now I say it's a wonderful film, a great sequel and is well deserved of praise. Just not the as much as people were giving it at the time.

So there you have it. I hope this was of particular interest to you, and gave you some insight as to why I love movies so much.

So until next time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A New Chapter...

I thought it would be nice to have one of these, so upon seeing my friend get one I finally decided to go through with it.

Anyway I figured I would use this primarily for projects I have in the works, and occasionally updates on my life and little things of interest to me. So with that said, enjoy.