Saturday, January 23, 2010

Project: Dead Gaze

For some time now I've been in the process of putting together a short film project. Something I've conceptualized often, but haven't acted on the need to actually do it. Until now that is. I can thank my friends for giving me the little push that I needed to get it going. I can say that this is probably the most dedicated I've been to a project of this calibur. It's not everyday I wake up and think to myself "What can I work on today to get this going further?". I could actually look back at this and feel a great sense of accomplishment.
Anyway, it's a Horror film shot almost entirely in the first-person perspective. The story revolves around a hired gun, sent in to take out a group of zombified test subjects, who've escaped from a laboratory into the nearby forest, surrounding the area.

To shoot the film properly, I created a device that holds the camera (at chest height but for the sake of argument it's implied that it's eye-level), so that I can perform actions with both of my hands. I can even run and jump with the pack on. So far I've done around 7 test videos, with a few more in the works. Surpisingly it holds alot better than I initially thought, which could be good incase I need to use it for other projects. The idea behind this, is to put you (the viewer) into the film, and experience what the protagonist experiences.
Currently I have some Demos for the soundtrack (which I've decided to do all myself, so as to avoid any Youtube Copyright crap), aswell as some sound tests for the weapons. Anyway, that's it for now. I'll update more as I make progress. So until next time.