Friday, April 2, 2010

Project: Dead Gaze (Production and Story Summary)

I've finally gotten around to shooting some of the movie, though it was by myself. I'm still working on casting, but Lord willing I can find me some Zombies within the next month or two. I plan for a Summer shoot, after all.

As of now all that needs to be done is finding a location (Though I do have one in mind), Casting, scripting and Makeup. It seems as though that's alot to tackle, but so far the process has come along pretty fluently. My only major hickup, is casting anyway.

The story is almost completely finished, and I have a brief summary ready to go. Albeit some details, such as character names, and extensive details on the virus used by the antogonist are still unfinished..

"Deep in the forest, a scientist has secluded himself from the outside world, hard at work on a virus that, if engineered correctly, could cure many diseases.

Unable to aquire proper funds, he seals himself away in a secluded shack, complete with supplies for working with the virus, known as ACV (Administered Cultivation Virus).

Desperate to find a solution, he injects himself. The virus acts quickly, mutating his bones, causing them to grow through his skin. The bone then hardens, creating a sort of 'shell' around the damaged tissue underneath. The skull has rapidly grown through the scalp, creating the same shell structure as around the hand. In a rage, the scientist destroys the lab, and flees into the surrounding woods.

Ten days later a search team consisting of two military scouts, begins their venture into wilderness. Two days after that, their radio signals go dead, and all that is heard before transmission end is a deep, raging roar. The military outfit from which the two scouts came from enlists the help of a soldier for hire, someone who can find the scientist, and if need be, terminate him."

I'll update again soon with more info on the story, aswell as some screenshots of the opening scenes. So until next time.